one two three four

give me more lovin then i've ever had.
make it all better when i'm feelin sad.
tell me that i'm special even when i know i'm not.

make me feel good when i hurt so bad.
barely gettin mad,
im so glad i found you.
i love bein around you.
you make it easy,
as easy as 1 2,(1 2 3 4.)

theres only one thing to do three words for you.
i love you.
theres only one way to say those three words
and that's what i'll do.
i love you.

give me more lovin from the very start.
piece me back together when i fall apart.
tell me things you never even tell your closest friends.
make me feel good when i hurt so bad.
best that i've had.
im so glad that i found you.
i love bein around you.
you make it easy as easy as 1 2,(1 2 3 4.)

theres only one thing to do three words for you.
i love you.
theres only one way to say those three words
and that's what i'll do.
i love you.i love you

you make it easy, its easy as 1234
theres only one thing to do three words for you i love you
theres only one way to say those three words
thats what ill do i love you
i love you i love you.
one two three four i love you.

i love you

-plain white Ts-


you want to know why this year I was so hate with November? November is like a hell for me . 30 days without fun !
filled with tasks, exams and a variety of things that are quite capable of making me bored in the end
I just complain every day, cuse i couldn't find the spirit of exams that I face
every single day , task and exams always spin around my mind, reduce my sleeping time but make my weight increased :)
I also feel this month will be the worst month this year but did not. I just find it fun and happiness during this month. Many things I could learn outside the test materials , like learn to be grateful, learn to respect , learn to manage your time or maybe even learn to love others .
I do not want to talk too much about what I feel, because you may not understand
I just wanted to say, don't think negatively with all the things you do but try to keep thinking positive that everything you do will seem so nice

enjoy your weekend ! 

silly-stupid thing around me

Pada suatu malam , ada seorang anak perempuan yang sedang kebingungan mencari alat tulis , yang akan digunakannya untuk ujian esok harinya . DIa kebingungan setengah mati , karena tidak mungkin dia mencari peralatan tulis di malam itu dengan alasan dia harus belajar untuk ujian .
Akhirnya , ia menitipkannya pada ibunda tercinta karena pada saat itu ibunya hendak pergi ke supermarket untuk membeli makanan ringan
Anak perempuan itu berkata ,"Ma , aku titip beli pensil 2B sama stipo ya." , dan dengan mantap ibunya mengiyakan
setelah kurang lebih 45 menit , ibunya kembali ke rumah . Anak perempuan itu dengan riang menyambut ibunya yang telah membantunya membelikan peralatan tulis untuk hari ujiannya . Anak itu membuka pintu lalu menghampiri mobil ibunya , ia bertanya ,"Ma , uda dibeliin kan?" dan dengan tenangnya sang ibu menunjukkan apa yang sudah dibelinya :
1plastik yang berisi BAKSO dan 1 paket SPIDOL
Anak perempuan itu kebingungan , sementara itu sang ibu dengan santainya menjawab ,"Ini , tadi kamu titip spidol kan?Mama beliin sepaket itu ada warna warni"
Anak perempuan ini menyahut dengan pasrah ,"Mamaaaaa , tadi aku titip SETIPO , buka SEPIDOL~" . Sang ibu yang mendengar pernyataan anaknya pun hanaya mampu menjawab ,"Oalaaaaaah mama salah beli ya berarti?" (sebenarnya mungkin anak perempuan ini harus belajar menggunakan kata Bahasa Indonesia yang baik dengan ibunya , mengucapkan tip-ex atau correction pen bila perlu)
Dengan langkah gontai anak perempuan itu berjalan kembali ke kamar sambil berkata dalam hati ,"Dosa apa gue hari ini."
Setelah mencoba menunjukkan ekspresi orang pasrah dengan tertawa layaknya babi , tapi ternyata tidak bisa dilakukan karena mungkin dia tidak ada bakat bersaudara dengan babi , anak perempuan itu masuk ke kamar adik laki-lakinya dan membuka kotak pensil adiknya . Tersenyum melihat benda merah yang bertuliskan Pentel correction pen , mengambilnya dan kembali ke kamar

in to you

Early in the morning I was still in bed
You call me just in time when the sunlight comes
You said "How was your sleep? I didn't do too well. Would you be a friend and take a walk with me?"

My friends they all been telling me that you're no good
You broke a lot of hearts and you don't even know
I refuse to believe any of that is true
But I'll hate it when they're right and tell me told you so

I don't want to be a victim of a broken heart
I don't want to put myself into another mess yeah
I don't want to be a fool and make a big mistake
I've should've known better, but it's allright
Cause I'm in to you

Early in the morning I was still in bed
We've talked about an hour till my ear turns red
You said "It's getting late, I'm gonna have to go. I'll be getting ready so how 'bout that walk?"

My friends been telling me that I should let you go
You broke a lot of hearts and then you run away
I refuse to believe any of that it's true
But I'll hate it when they're right and tell me told you so

I don't want to be a victim of a broken heart
I don't want to put myself into another mess no
I don't want to be a fool and make a big mistake
I've should've known better, but it's alright
Cause I'm in to you

Early in the morning I was still in bed
The thought of you remains the biggest mystery
I was left unsure of all this thing would go
I guess I'll think about it when I walk with you