that's life 2

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."

-Albert Einstein-

last time

Im stuck with writing songs
just to forget, what they really were about
and these words
are bringing me,so deeply in debt
that I don't think I can dig my way out.
i couldn't breathe you in
like i need to
and the words don't mean a thing.

so i'll sing this song to you,
for the last time.
and my heart is torn in two,
thinkin' of days spent without you.
and there is nothing left to prove

im counting all the things i coulda done,
to make you see that i wanted us to be
what i go to sleep and dream of
i want you to know that i'd die for you.
i'd die for you.
i couldn't breathe you in like i need to
and the words don't mean a thing

so i'll sing this song to you for the last time.
and my heart is torn in two
thinkin' of days spent without you.
and there's nothing else to prove
and if you are alone make sure you're not lonely.
cuz if you are i blame myself.
for never being home.
i know im not the only one
who will treat you like they should.
like you deserve.

im stuck with writing songs just to forget.

so i'll sing this song to you
for the last time.
and my heart is torn in two.
thinkin' of days spent without you.
and there's nothing left to prove.
there's nothing
there's nothing
there's nothing left to prove
[secondhand serenade]

tears drop on my guitar

Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see
That I want and I'm needing everything that we should be
I'll bet she's beautiful, that girl he talks about
And she's got everything that I have to live without

Drew talks to me, I laugh cause its so damn funny
That I can't even see anyone when he's with me
He says he's so in love, he's finally got it right,
I wonder if he knows he's all I think about at night

He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do

Drew walks by me, can he tell that I can't breathe?
And there he goes, so perfectly,
The kind of flawless I wish I could be
She'd better hold him tight, give him all her love
Look in those beautiful eyes and know she's lucky cause

He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do

So I drive home alone, as I turn out the light
I'll put his picture down and maybe
Get some sleep tonight

He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only one who's got enough of me to break my heart
He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do
He's the time taken up, but there's never enough
And he's all that I need to fall into..

Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see. 
taylor swift

aaaaaaargh !

in this moment , there are so many bad things that im feeling






and it makes me  so FRUSTATED !
oh no~ it's hard for me to enjoy my life :( i hope that everything is gonna be alright , my illnes doesn't recur again and i can through all my activities as usual . 
now i sit here and say a prayer
God, give me strength to go through all my life , I'm weak and I couldn't do anything without Your help. please show me the way to solve all my problems. I just believe in You.

that's life

"When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile."


ada yang bilang teman itu segalanya , teman itu adalah hal yang paling berharga yang menjadi bagian dalam hidup kita . 
teman yang baik itu mau mendengarkan semua tetek bengek cerita kehidupan kita , semua uneg - uneg , pelampiasan rasa marah kita ( bener kan? ) atau bahkan bisa  dibilang , temen itu tong sampah berjalan buat kita . Tong sampah ini beda dari tong sampah lain yang biasa kita lihat di pinggiran jalan , di deket WC , di halaman , di pinggiran sungai atau di manapun kalian pernah lihat tong sampah yang bertulisan 
mau dipungkiri atau tidak , jujur atau bohong disumpahi dalam hati , mencari seorang teman yang baik luar dalam itu susahnya juga luar biasa
tidak semua orang mau menjadi tempat pencurahan semua emosi kita , semua cerita kita , mulai dari masalah keluarga , pacar - pacaran yang menyakitkan hati , sekolah yang membosankan sampai bikin kita mau gantung diri atau bahkan sampai di masalah keungan sekalipun
seorang teman yang baik pasti pada umumnya akan selalu membantu kita , memberikan solusi - solusi mujarab untuk membantu menyelesaikan masalah kita , bahkan mereka juga tak segan - segan rela berkorban demi kita . Pengorbanan mereka itulah yang sebenernya membuta gue terharu sampai aku mutusin nulis blog ini

apa sebenarnya makna kata 'teman' buat kalian?

 - ada seorang cewek yang bilang ,'hmmm temen itu cuma sarana buat diajakin seneng - senengan aja sih . biar kalo hangout gitu ada yang nemenin'
 - ada juga cowo bijak yang bilang ,'temen itu segalanya . tanpa mereka gue bukan apa - apa di sini'
 - tapi ada juga si freaky yang bilang gini ,'temen itu segalanya deh . bisa bayarin gue kemana mana gitu . makanya gue kalo cari temen itu yaaah yang berduit lah jadi kalo pergi gue ga bakal bingung di ongkosnya'
well , dari semua contoh jawaban di atas , aku ngambil kesimpulan kalau setiap orang memang punya pikiran yang berbeda - beda dalam menanggapi makna teman sebenarnya
kalau buat aku , teman itu ........
is a part of my life which have a lot of meaning :)
why ?
karena mereka yang selama ini selalu nemenin aku . orang - orang ini yang selalu ada buat aku , mulai aku yang depresi , aku yang susah , di saat aku nangis  , mengalami momen - momen penting ,ataupun di saat aku tertawa . 
sebagai anak perempuan yang jarang berada di rumah ( yea , my activities made me rarely at home) , secara otomatis aku membutuhkan sosok orang - orang yang bisa mengerti kehidupanku
and i found them ! :)
aku bertemu dengan orang - orang ini saat aku masih duduk di bangku Sekolah Dasar , saat tinggi badanku belum mencapai 167 cm , dan saat aku masih memakai seragam merah putih kebanggaan yang dipakai anak SD pada umumnya.


awalnya aku tidak menyangka bahwa orang - orang inilah yang kini menjadi bagian penting dari hidupku .
bahkan hingga detik ini , mereka masih dengan setia ada di sampingku , memberi aku support dan semua celotehan yang mujarab . setelah bertahun - tahun aku mengenal mereka , aku tidak menyangka semuanya berlalu begitu cepat dan kini kita sudah duduk di bangku akhir SMA (yeaaa taun depan LULUS ! ) , itu artinya semakin singkat waktu yang aku punya untuk bersama mereka . 

info yang aku dapat , kita semua akan melanjutkan studi ke berbagai tempat yang berbeda dan ada jarak jauh yang memisahkan
menyedihkan memang . 
sampai detik aku menulis blog ini , aku masih bertanya dalam hati ,'mungkin ga ya ntar kita ketemu lagi?'
rasa takut pun mulai melanda
banyak pertanyaan yang berputar di otakku ,'ntar kalo ada masalah aku critanya ke siapa?' atau 'ntar kalo kita lost contact gimana ?' dan blablabla masih banyak lagi
tapi aku mencoba berpikir realistis and make sure that everything is gonna be okay :)
seperti pesan singkat yang pernah aku dapet dar salah seorang teman
 sahabat diawali dengan mata , dibangun dengan pengertian dan hanya berakhir dengan kematian
merekalah yang membuat aku masih bisa berdiri tegak seperti sekarang , mungkin tanpa mereka aku bukan siapa - siapa
i shoul be grateful to have bestfriends like them . mereka orang - orang yang sangat luar biasa yang pernah aku kenal
thanks to :
  • my superextraordinaryfriends , you're so amazing girl 
(ini foto masih jaman SMP , masih pada kumus - kumus , jangan dibandingkan dengan sekarang)

elisabeth puspitasetyaningtyas , irrienia devi permata putri , grace veronica sompie , amelia magdalena soewastiardjo , marcella kusumo , jesica geovani santoso , florentina puspitasari , evinda , josephine nidya prayogo
  • my superbrother , thankyou for being my good listener :)

theodorus mulyanandrio wicaksono , boy de nova
  • my best classmates , you're rock baby !

sylvani , gladys , mocha , sherly , horas , obi , luke , chichi , wendy , marco , philip , yurike , ace , tephy , davita , ingrid , arif , sonia, dian , reta , edwin , vincent , reyner , candi , fefe , ardine , genial , yere , vania , tita , hilda , christina , lisa , vero , roy , ira , wahyu , erick
teresa wangunhardjo , bernadette anggita
  • tutor MOS/OPS SMAK. St Louis 1 Surabaya 09- 10

i'm proud to be a part of them , yeaaah sinlui ! brrrrrrrrrrrrravooo !
being a part of their life is a pleasure for me . mkasi buat semuanya , having you as my best friend is the happiness of my life :)

p.s : buat nama nama yng belum saya sebutkan di sini , maaf ya . you still the best :)

weight loss

today , i want to talk about weight loss
why i  invite you discuss about your weight?
hmm honestly , weight loss was a sensitive topic for woman in general
there are women who struggled to follow a diet to lose her weight, but some of them are struggling to raise their weight. They are vying to have a good body like a 'gitar spanyol' :) I am the type who fought to raise weight and it's very difficult to do aaaargh make me frustated aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarggh !
so for all of you who already have an ideal body shape , you should be grateful for that

hmm I want to tell you about my life , I 'm 17 years old and I have a problem with my weight
I have 166 cm height but my weight ranges from only 43 to 45 kg 

for your information, I am not the kind of person who doesn't like to eat, haha but I was the type of person who have a spirit to enter all the delicious food in my stomach :p
but it didn't make my body become fat. I still a skinny girl as usual, it makes me ask myself  , "If I keep a big dragon in my little stomach like this? " 
There is also a friend of mine who said, " or maybe you keep a lot of worms in your stomach" haha i just laughed when i heard him  
thoughts about the strange creature is always spinning in my head, so I decided to consult a doctor , her answer made me happy because in fact I didn't keep anything in my stomach
the doctor also gave me some tips to make my body becomes more ideal, so these tips may also be useful for you who have weight problems like me
  • Eat more calories
Generally required calories in the average is 2200 calories in light activity. For women, about 1900 calories. You need to add an extra 1000 calories per day to obtain at least 0.4 to 0.5 kg a week.
  • Make smart choices
Choose milk, fish and meat than bread. Also select eggs than vegetables. High-protein foods such as beans and high fiber foods and carbohydrates such as potatoes, rice, sweet potatoes are good for you
  • Sleep is a time for growth
This is often forgotten by people who are skinny, because they usually have high energy, so difficult to sleep and eventually ignore it and often sleepless. And your body can only grow larger during sleep and certainly not less than 7-8 hours a day.
  • Eat more often
Do not wait until your belly was hungry, eat on a regular basis soon. But also do not eat till too full, because the digestive process to be less than perfect. As much as possible for the portion you usually eat 3 times a day to 6 times a day.
  • Drinking is essential
Although only water, but it is useful to your body in order to drain the food source. Add also drink high-calorie drinks such as fruit juice or milk.
  • Increase your exercise and training
But not any useful exercise to gain weight.

  • Consistent!
May need a few months so that you can increase your body weight. Some people are so easily frustrated and immediately decided how he was doing for 2 weeks failed because it wanted a drastic results.

good luck  fellas! :)

getting worse

there is a friend who asked me this morning , 
he                  : ' hey ! you look so happy . what's going on ?'

i just smile at him then i back to seat

honestly I do not know what i'm feeling now .  angry , sad or maybe dissapointed
sad. yea a few days ago these word always fly around  my brain . but it was all over,  i'm trying to be strong . I just tried to distract it with all my busyness because i know that the sadness won't make it back like before
angry. i remember when I shared all my stories with my best friend , she was angry after that

she          : 'did you feel angry like me ?'

I said       : 'of course not . why ?'
she          : '(shouted) aargh ! ooh God . i dont know what you're thinking honey . but i hope you can be strong as usual to face all this problem'
I said       : 'i hope so :) '

angry for what ? i think there's nothing wrong with that . it only make my tears keep running down my face and it also won't make me feel much better .  everyone has their own choice, and I don't have the right to interfere. Just let them live in their world, I just can only say a prayer :)
disappointed. a simple word but i always feel like that when i've got a big problem . i was probably causing all these problem but actually i dont think that it would be like this

honestly until now I still feel regret with the decision hat  i've made at that time. I realized that I wasn't the right person for you. I know we can't repeat that moment again. I
im so sorry for everything I did . I made you disappointed  , although you gave me that best moment in my life
thank you for all the things that you've done in my life, you taught me how to love unselfishly , for that i should be grateful . i hope you'll find the other woman who is better than me . 

As we grow older together, As we continue to change with age, There is one thing that will never change .
I will always keep falling in love with you. 

And I'd give up forever to touch you,
Cause I know that you feel me somehow.
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be,
And I don't want to go home right now.

And all I can taste is this moment,
And all I can breathe is your life,
And sooner or later it's over,
I just don't want to miss you tonight.

And I don't want the world to see me,
Cause I don't think that they'd understand.
When everything's made to be broken,
I just want you to know who I am.


goodbye :) 

p.s : your picture is always on my desk , dedicated for mario antonius soewastiardjo


four answers

yeaa , my bestfriend asked me to complete this :)
saras , neneg , putu , klepon

may 10th , march 21th , january 7th , february 14th and all the dates that i've spent 

eating ( im so hungry babby ) , studying for my Indonesian test , chitchatting with my friends and singing :)

laughing , hanging out with my friends and my fams , ice cream , music

my childhood friends , my little sister ( made shima mahadewi ) , and all the people who had been a part of my life

new mobilephone , a box of chocolate , some dress and a prayer :)

eating , singing , taking self pictures , laughing all the way

maladewa island , paris , bali ( of course ) , england

mineral water, milkshake  , fruit tea and a cup of coffee

my mobilephone , wallet , small comb and tissue

yellow , soft pink , white and blue , well actually i like all colors

i like sutos :)

my daddy , mommy , my lil brother and my best friends


my family , all my friends especially my good listerners , everything feel so special in my life

hmmm sorry,  i dont know :p

my sweetseventeen birthday , mos/ops sinlui 09-10, and all the events that i've been through

joined drawing and dancing competition , fell while riding a bike , crying and singing :D

my first impression

hell-o fellas my name is saras , im 17th finally , i created a blog :D haha
but actually i asked my self ,
"why i made a blog ?"  that's sounds funny because in fact i think i can't write a good sentence and it's hard for me to be a good blogger , dude . but i'm trying to make it
enjoy my new blog fellas !